Wednesday 19 October 2016

Neighborhood Assembly Used to Promote Children’s Rights in Kasese District

Despite commitments to international statutes (such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Uganda is a signatory), and pledges being made in recent years, violence and abuse of children is still rampant in homes, schools and local communities in Uganda.  

Adults are routinely abusing their positions of responsibility, power, and trust, mistakenly believing that severe punishment leads to better behavior at home and improved performance at school.

RIDE AFRICA therefore conducted a neighborhood assembly (bringing community members together to discuss and address a challenge)  in Kitswamba sub-county where Hope for Uganda women group and Tweteraine group in Ibuga Block B presented drama, songs, skits, plays and poems to sensitize the community on zero violence against children. This aimed at sharing with the local communities the causes of violence against children like drug abuse, parent’s negative attitude towards the child rights and suggesting local solutions on the prevention of violence against children like parents to be role models, work with the law and the local leaders to punish the child abusers and strengthen the relationship between the parents and the children.

The neighborhood assembly that was conducted on 9th August 2016 attracted 111 people where 78 were females and 33 males and succeeded in raising awareness of children’s rights and alternatives to violence.

Hope for Uganda Presentation at the Neighborhood Assembly in Kitswamba Sub-County

Neighborhood Assembly in Kitswamba Sub-County

Participants at a Neighborhood Assembly in Kitswamba Sub-County

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